Enrique Chagoya, When Paradise Arrived TOM HOLLAND: “Summer Lake #2” SHARON WOLPOFF: “Bungalow” ROBERT VAN VRANKEN: “Untitled (Bolt Cutters)” RACHEL KLINE: “Incense 1” MYRON STEPHENS: “Beverages and Batteries” MELISSA CHANDON: “Knights Landing Silos” KERRY ROWLAND AVRECH: “Flames/Faithful Best” KELLY DETWEILER: “Meltdown” JERALD SILVA: “Shower Curtain and Chair” JAMES CHAFFEE: “Posture of the Innocent” GUY DIEHL: “Still Life with Malevich” GAY POWERS: “The Bathers” FRANK DAMIANO: “A Full Cup” FINLEY FRYER: “Souls of Lost Painters” ENRIQUE CHAGOYA: “Illegal Alien’s Guide to the Theory of Everything” DON FRITZ: “Bad Boy” DAVID HOLLOWELL: “Is this a Painitng” DAVID HINES: ” Still Life” ANNIE MURPHY ROBINSON: “Emily” Sharon Wolpoff, Swoon