Our Story

The John Natsoulas Gallery was founded in 1986 on the principles of humanitarianism and collaboration.

Fresh out of college, John Natsoulas began his work with Amnesty International in East and North Africa, where he campaigned against the imprisonment and torture of political prisoners. In 1986, Natsoulas organized Amnesty International’s first fundraising exhibition, Artists for Amnesty. The event precipitated the release of the Moroccan prisoner, Mohammed El Mousari.

Natsoulas established a gallery in his hometown Davis, California where he could continue to pursue humanitarian causes through the arts.

Over the last four decades, the gallery has hosted the hundreds of exhibitions, workshops, festivals, and conferences. The promotion of diverse artistic media has been a guiding principle. The gallery brings together painters, sculptors, ceramicist, printmakers, dancers, performance artists, musicians, and poets who are dedicated to working in all mediums. The bi-monthly Poetry Night, hosted by Dr. Andy Jones, offers the opportunity for spoken and visual art to come together.

Our Publications

Natsoulas’ passion for the history of the region has led to extensive historical documentation and the publication various books on the artists who shaped the movements of Northern California. His texts on the San Francisco Beat Movement serve as foundational resources on key historic moments such as Allen Ginsberg’s first reading of “Howl” at the Six Gallery. The frequent Jazz Festivals and 20 Beat Poetry Conferences at the John Natsoulas Gallery celebrate that lasting legacy. Today, the Center continues in this direction, producing historical and high-profile exhibitions, publishing hundreds of artists’ catalogs and books, and spearheading the country’s first Transmedia Art Walk in downtown Davis, with its fifty plus sculptures and murals by local artists.

CCACA 2024 Flyer, Pictured: Sean Henry standing by his sculpture

Since its inception, the gallery has endeavored to increase dialogue among artists through educational programming. Shortly after the gallery’s founding, Natsoulas worked alongside world-renown artist, Robert Arneson, to develop the California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art (CCACA). Over the years, the event has become the largest annual ceramics conference in the world, and it brings together hundreds of students, professionals, and amateur artists. Recognizing the benefits of collaboration, Natsoulas then conceived of the gallery’s major annual event: the Art of Painting in the 21st Century Conference.

Ultimately, the gallery’s collaborative and humanitarian interests can be seen through its many exhibitions that continue to celebrate community and human rights.

Annual Events

Wednesday - Friday: 11 am – 5 pm
Saturday - Sunday: 12 – 5 pm

521 First Street
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530)-756-3938
Email: [email protected]

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