Wesley Wright

Wesley T. Wright is a Northern California-based mixed media artist and arts educator known for his highly detailed and eccentric imagery. Working primarily in stoneware clay, he addresses environmental and existential issues with humor, grit, and imagination. Wright’s evocative sculptures have been exhibited in galleries and museums across the country including the Glassell Fine Arts Museum in Houston, Texas, and the De Young Museum in San Francisco, California. Wright has work in a number of collections including the Crocker Museum Permanent Collection in Sacramento, California. His work has appeared “500 Figures in Clay Volume 2” and other notable publications. in 2017 Wright completed a public project in collaboration with Youth Spirit Artworks in Berkeley, California.

After growing up in Berkeley, Wright attended Humboldt State University where he became involved in ceramics and circus arts. He then went on to receive a Master of Fine Arts degree from San Jose State University. Wright has taught at various institutions throughout the San Francisco Bay Area including Santa Clara University, Delta College, De Anza College, the Academy of Art University, Diablo Valley College, and Santa Rosa Junior College. He currently teaches at Mendocino College.



Yoshio Taylor