Friends are Everywhere:
Thea Hudson and Genevieve Ryan

September 4 – 28, 2024
Opening Reception – September 7 from 6-9 pm (free stickers!)
Open for the Davis Artabout, Friday the 13th until 9pm (free good luck charms!)

Thea Hudson and Genevieve Ryan are best friends who share a home and studio space in Davis, California. Thea, an oil painter and multimedia artist, voraciously invents new folkloric narratives populated with fantastical figures. Genevieve is a multimedia artist and illustrator whose compositions focus on nature, multiplicity, and inner worlds. In their two-person exhibition, Friends are Everywhere, they explore themes of connectedness and platonic love, venturing hand in hand through interactive video art, stained glass, and more with whimsical intensity. Thea and Genevieve both graduated from UC Davis, in 2022 and 2021 respectively.


Kati Thomson: Golden Hour (September 4 - September 28, 2024)